So what’s the deal with carbon offsetting?

Carbon offsetting is another contentious topic within the climate world. We believe investing in renewable energy is the best option for individuals because you can earn money while balancing your impact.

The two sides of the carbon offset debate can be summarized as follows:

🟢 At it’s best, carbon offsetting is a convenient way to balance the environmental impact that we’re making (as companies and individuals). After all, everyone unavoidably emits carbon as we live our lives.

🔴 At it’s worst, carbon offsetting is another form of corporate greenwashing. Some studies have shown that many “certified” carbon credits don’t actually do what they say they do.

We believe attempting to offset emissions via different technologies is better than nothing but should always be viewed with a dose of skepticism. Particularly when you hear about it in a marketing context.

Most importantly, offsets should also be viewed as the final action you should take once you've reduced your carbon impact as much as possible by adjusting your lifestyle and spending habits with Carbon tracking.

There are two ways to offset on Decarbon:

  1. Investing in renewable energy via Energea
  2. Buying carbon credits

Investing in renewable energy via Energea

We’ve partnered with the renewable energy investment platform, Energea, to be able to offset your emissions and earn passive income in the form of monthly dividends from the clean energy your investments generate*.*

This turns offsetting from a cost into a benefit!

We love Energea because they empower anyone to be able to invest in renewable energy. In addition to sending you monthly dividends, they share updates on the solar farms they’ve developed around the world with your investment.

Here’s how this looks in the app…


Simply input the amount that you’ve invested with Energea, and the app will estimate these offsets and plug them into your net footprint — the difference between your all-time total emissions and your total offsets.

Here’s what Energea’s dashboard looks like…